Enroll in a Colorado Community College
Enroll in a Colorado Community College
After your Associate Degree is completed
With your Bachelor's Degree at MSU Denver
The Colorado Community College System’s (CCCS) Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree Program ensures first-time students attending any CCCS College are guaranteed admission to MSU Denver upon completion of an Associate degree.
And when you’re ready to apply to MSU Denver, you apply with no cost to you!
1. Indicate that you want to participate the in Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree program when filling out your CCCS college application.
2. Review with your community college advisor to make sure your intended degree and program are eligible.
For existing CCCS students in their first semester:
You can still apply by contacting your community college advisor and expressing interest in signing up for the Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree program.
CCCS students who participate in the Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree program will have access to
Personalized student advising and guidance to ensure credits and administrative supports are in place to easily transfer to a desired four-year program.
Scholarship opportunities to make degrees from a four-year institution more attainable and affordable.
A no-hassle transfer process with a smooth transition to MSU Denver
Meet with an MSU Denver Transfer Admissions Counselors at least once a semester throughout your time at your Community College to continue to plan what credits you should be taking.